I. Introductory Provisions and Definitions
Inspectorate of the Slovak Trade Inspection based in Trnava for the Trnava Region
Pekárska 23
917 01 Trnava 1
tel. 033/321 25 27, 033/321 25 21
Email: tt@soi.sk
Submission form: https://www.soi.sk/sk/Podavanie-podnetov-staznosti-navrhov-a-ziadosti/Podajte-podnet.soi
II. Product order - conclusion of the purchase contract
III. Purchase price and payment terms
IV. Methods of payment
V. Delivery of products
VI. Product acceptance
VII. Freight - methods of transport of products and price for their transport
VIII. Withdrawal of the Buyer from the Contract without stating a reason
IX. Alternative Dispute Resolution
X. Final Provisions